Learning Journalism in India

Hello, welcome to my blog. I am a student of Journalism. Through my blog, I'll try to share with you the knowledge that I gain on various aspects related to the noble profession. I hope you'll enjoy going through my blog posts. Happy reading:-)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Study Paper

It's been a long time since I posted a blog entry. Was busy with studies and work. I have to work on a study paper as part of my course curriculum. I have already submitted a synopsis for the study paper. I don't understand why the lecturers need to be so fussy about doing things their way. Normally, I don't mind it much, but this time I was forced to choose between the preferences of two contradicting lecturers. One of the lecturers mentioned that the study paper needs to be related to journalism or public relations. So I opted for a study paper topic that leans more towards public relations than journalism. And that was the beginning of my troubles.

I had already chosen the topic that I wanted to work on, and asked my Newspaper Management lecturer how to modify it, to suit the course requirements. He suggested a modification that had more of a public relations touch to it, than journalism. But I accepted his recommendation and wrote a study paper synopsis. I showed it to him and he he seemed to appreciate it a lot. But imagine my shock, when, a day before the submission date, the person who lectures us on Reporting told me that my study paper topic had nothing to do with journalism and I must select some other topic!!

There are occasions in life when one has to stick to his decisions, even if they appear to be wrong. And I found myself in a similar situation. The last date for submission had neared and I had no time to work on a fresh study paper topic or synopsis. I had to take a call and I decided to go with what my Newspaper Management lecturer suggested, even if it meant displeasing the other person.

More to follow regarding the study paper...

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